The Permian Basin Honor Flight recognizes American Veterans for their sacrifices and achievements
by flying them to Washington, DC to see the memorials built in their honor. Top priority is given
to WWII, Korean, Vietnam era Veterans (all Veterans between 1941 and 1975) and those who may be terminally ill who served in other wars. This Honor Flight will also include (given availability) selected Gold Star Families. In order for Permian Basin Honor Flight to achieve this goal, volunteer Guardians will be required to pay their portion of the trip, as well as travel at the Veteran's side throughout the flight providing assistance, and helping Veterans participate in all activities of this rewarding experience. All
Veterans, however, will have their complete cost covered by donation from this great community,
even if they serve as a Guardian for a senior Veteran. Veterans who need walking assistance of any kind, and Veterans in a wheelchair must have a "participating" Guardian to be eligible.
Information is for Honor Flight and Medical Personnel Only and will not be shared.
Click on the Appropriate Link Below and Submit Online